The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) seeks to create a harmonised data protection law framework across the EU and aims to give back data subjects, control of their personal data, whilst imposing strict rules on those hosting and processing this data, anywhere in the world. To comply with this new legislation that came into force in May of this year Alltrans has carried out a full assessment of our activities and data controls to ensure we are in full compliance and that your safeguards are protected when it comes to your data that we have on file. In this regard please note our compliance in the following areas.


We hold on file records in manual hard copy and electronic format information that include staff personal information. This information will include staff completed application form, your Curriculum Vitae, any reference checks, induction records, licence copies and training certs, contract of employment, terms & conditions of employment, disciplinary actions (if applicable), employment reviews. Bank details to facilitate payments of wages & salaries. Details required for maintenance of employee benefits such as pensions. Information required for equal opportunities monitoring.

We will release personal data as required by law (Revenue, Garda, RSA, HSA, etc.), to fulfil our legal obligations. Driver Employees are obliged to inform Alltrans of any material fact that may impact our insurance cover. Such information includes penalty points, licence endorsements, and any medical conditions that arise that impede driving such as Diabetes, heart conditions, epilepsy etc. Alltrans will in turn notify our Insurers.


We will release all or some of your personal details to third-party companies such as insurance companies /banking organisations.

Release personal data to third parties who may process some or all your personal data on behalf of the company for matter relating to your employment or employee benefits that you may become entitled to.

Note: This policy forms part of Staff Contract R01-2018

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